Molecular Imaging Detectors, Systems, and Software
Cubresa, the PET insert company, designs and manufactures Positron Emission Tomography (PET) detectors, systems and software.
This technology has the sensitivity to detect radiotracer concentrations in vivo without depth limitations, and can be paired with an anatomical imaging modality such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to non-invasively visualize and quantify radiopharmaceutical concentrations in living subjects.

We are expert in the application of Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) technology in molecular imaging applications. SiPMs replace traditional photomultiplier tubes with chip-based sensors that provide exceptional image quality as well as an ultra-compact form factor, and they allow integration with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners without unwanted side-effects. Cubresa’s SiPM-based detectors are coupled with custom engineered, low noise readout electronics, high performance analog to digital conversion, and sophisticated imaging processing algorithms to deliver exceptional image quality, sensitivity and spatial resolution.
PET Imaging
Cubresa’s in-bore PET scanning technology, utilized in the NuPET™ product line, combines high-resolution PET rings, MR-compatible detectors and RF-quiet electronics to deliver unique hybrid PET/MR imaging capabilities. Specialized scintillator designs and software processing provides depth of interaction (DOI) corrections to improve spatial resolution uniformity over the entire field of view.
Cubresa’s molecular imaging technologies are highly scalable, and can be used to develop scanners of various sizes and geometries for research and clinical application.