Browse our poster gallery to review a selection of our clients’ presentations at past conferences and meetings.

Adding Simultaneous PET as a Complimentary Imaging Modality to your MRI: An example showing an ongoing study of mouse models of Ovarian Cancer

MPIC 2017 Midwest Pre-Clinical Imaging Consortium

Nashville, TN, USA

Brewer K, West A, Davis C, Stanford M, Zhang J

Imaging the Tumor Microenvironment with Simultaneous PET/MRI

Music City CEST Meeting

Nashville, TN, USA

Goldenberg JM, Howison CM, Pagel MD

Assessing the Response to Therapy Using Simultaneous PET/MRI in a Preclinical Model of Pancreatic Cancer

WMIC 2017 World Molecular Imaging Congress

Philadelphia, PA, USA

Goldenberg JM, Cárdenas-Rodríguez J, Pagel MD

Using simultaneous PET/MRI to Evaluate an Orthotopic Ovarian Cancer Model

2017 CCRC Canadian Cancer Research Conference

Vancouver, BC

Gonzalez V, Tremblay M-L, Davis C, MacKay A, West A, Nuschke A, Vanderhyden B, Weir G, Stanford M, Brewer K

Using Simultaneous PET/MRI and Cell Tracking to Evaluate Immunotherapies in Breast and Ovarian Cancer Models

ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition

Paris, France

Kelly B, Gonzalez V, Tremblay M-L, Nuschke A, Davis C, MacKay A, West A, Vanderhyden B, Weir G, Stanford M, Brewer K

Characterization of an MRI-Compatible Pre-Clinical Insert with First Results Imaging a Rat Model of Stroke

WMIC 2018 World Molecular Imaging Congress

Seattle WA, USA

Fox MS, Palmer VL, Schellenberg G, Sparkes R, Thiessen JD

Assessing Response to Therapy Using Simultaneous PET/MRI in a Preclinical Model of Pancreatic Cancer

Imaging in 2020

Jackson WY, USA

Goldenberg JM, Cárdenas-Rodríguez J, Pagel MD